Sankeys Pest Control

Autumn Pests To Look Out For

Change Of Season For Humans And Pests Alike 

So we appear to have waved off the heat wave and the nights are once again drawing in, you may have even turned up your heating but what does this seasonal change mean in terms of pests?

You may be thinking that we are safe from wasps now that the picnic season is over but think again.

Towards the end of the warmer months and early autumn the wasp nest will have reached maximum size and the queen will have laid both queen and worker eggs. This will be the end of her egg laying cycle. Once these eggs have hatched into new queens they will mate with the male drones (who now die) and find somewhere to hibernate for the winter.

It’s at this time that wasps remain a nuisance as food sources become limited. As the winter arrives and food diminishes most wasp nests and their inhabitants will die off.

Check popular over wintering sites such as sheds, garages lofts and roof burrows. Early detection can avoid a nest becoming a problem in the following months.

Look Out Out For Creepy Crawlies

Autumn is spider season as they head in doors for breeding. Did you know that 80% of the spiders you see in your home are males? When you see them in your home they are in search of a potential mate. Do not panic arachnophobes!

The mating season is limited and is usually finished by early October. Remember spiders will help re-duce your insect population within your home but keeping a clean home and windows and doors closed will help avoiding unwanted visitors.

They also dislike peppermint so keep your house minty fresh and spider free!

Unwelcome Visitors

As the weather turns colder the rats and mice will be seeking a warmer environment so now is the time to inspect your property for any potential entry points. Check pipe work for cracks and leaks as rodents will find entry to your property this way.

Keep rubbish secured and all animal food/ bedding in secure con-tainers as rodents are attracted to both animal and human food sources. This will stop them being attracted to your property.

Check pets as fleas will remain active due to people turning up the central heating and they thrive in warm environments.Remember to treat your home and your pets to help eliminate an infestation. Fleas will happily live in your carpet so thorough treat-ment is essential.

At Sankeys we can help whether your problem is residential or commercial.

Call us today on 0800 158 3885

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